Become an expert and drive outcomes

Build a strong lakehouse foundation with Databricks training and certification to demonstrate your competence and accelerate your career.

Become a lakehouse expert

Acquire a foundational knowledge of data, analytics and AI to increase your productivity and drive more impactful results

Demonstrate your competence

Build your credibility and reputation by earning certifications across areas from data analysis to data engineering and machine learning

Elevate your career

Accelerate your career opportunities by being at the leading edge of technology innovation


Lakehouse Fundamentals

The Databricks Lakehouse Platform has created a paradigm shift by unifying data and AI on a single, open platform. Learn the fundamentals of lakehouse architecture through four fast-paced videos and earn an accreditation.

Take Lakehouse Fundamentals for free

Role-based learning paths

We provide custom-fit learning paths for multiple roles and career paths. These paths include self-paced courses, instructor-led training and certifications or accreditations, where appropriate.

Learn more about role-based learning paths


Certification exams assess your knowledge of the Databricks Lakehouse Platform usage and the underlying methods required to successfully implement quality projects. Certification helps you gain industry recognition, competitive differentiation, greater productivity and results, and a tangible measure of your educational investment.

View certifications

Apache Spark™ Programming with Databricks Upcoming public classes

This course uses a case study driven approach to explore the fundamentals of Spark Programming with Databricks, including Spark architecture, the DataFrame API, query optimization, Structured Streaming, and Delta.

Data Analysis with Databricks SQL Upcoming public classes

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Databricks SQL. Learners will ingest data, write queries, produce visualizations and dashboards, and learn how to connect Databricks SQL to Databricks Partner tools.

Data Engineering with Databricks Upcoming public classes

This course teaches you best practices for using Databricks to build data pipelines, through lectures and hands-on labs. At the end of the course, you will have all the knowledge and skills that a data engineer would need to build an end-to-end Delta Lake pipeline for streaming and batch data.

Deep Learning with Databricks Upcoming public classes

This course covers the fundamentals of neural networks with TensorFlow and how to scale training, inference, and hyperparameter tuning of deep learning models with Apache Spark.

Introduction to Python for Data Science & Data Engineering Upcoming public classes

This course is intended for complete beginners to Python to provide the basics of programmatically interacting with data using standard data manipulation and visualization libraries.

Machine Learning in Production Upcoming public classes

This course covers the best practices for managing the complete machine learning lifecycle from experimentation and model management. Students will explore various deployment paradigms and CI/CD framework, and learn how to address production issues.

Optimizing Apache Spark™ on Databricks Upcoming public classes

This course aims to deepen the knowledge of key optimization areas in Apache Spark and how to leverage them for performance boost.

Scalable Machine Learning with Apache Spark™ Upcoming public classes

This course teaches the full data science workflow, including data exploration, feature engineering, model building, and hyperparameter tuning. By the end of this course, you will have built an end-to-end distributed machine learning pipeline ready for production.

Foundational Training Series APJ January 12-14, 2022

Eligibility: Customers and partners

Session #1: Databricks for Data Engineers
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
Jan 10 9:30-12:00 IST / 12:00-14:30 SGT / 15:00-17:30 AEDT

Session #2: Databricks for Data Analysts
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
Jan 11 9:30-12:00 IST / 12:00-14:30 SGT / 15:00-17:30 AEDT

Session #3: Databricks for ML Practitioners
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
Jan 12 9:30-12:00 IST / 12:00-14:30 SGT / 15:00-17:30 AEDT

Advanced Onboarding Series January 10-12, 2022

4-5pm GMT

Eligibility: Customers and partners

Registration links: Customer Link | Partner Link

Certification Overview Series January 17-19, 2022

Eligibility: Prospective and existing customers, and partners

Certification Overview: Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate Exam
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
January 17: APJ: 12:00-13:00 SGT AMER/EMEA: 16:00-17:00 GMT

Certification Overview: Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional Exam
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
January 17: APJ: 13:30-14:30 SGT AMER/EMEA: 17:30-18:30 GMT

Certification Overview: Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Exam
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
January 18: APJ: 12:00-13:00 SGT AMER/EMEA: 16:00-17:00 GMT

Certification Overview: Databricks Certified Machine Learning Associate Exam
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
January 19: APJ: 12:00-13:00 SGT AMER/EMEA: 16:00-17:00 GMT

Certification Overview: Databricks Certified Machine Learning Professional Exam
Customer Academy Link | Partner Academy Link
January 19: APJ: 13:30-14:30 SGT AMER/EMEA: 17:30-18:30 GMT

If you have any questions, please refer to the training FAQ.

If you need assistance with our training offerings, please file a training support ticket.